Lincoln County Fair Inc Phone: 931-433-6387Fax: 901-203-6097Email: info@LincolnCountyFairTN.comPhysical Address: 1003 Hedgemont Ave, Fayetteville, TN 37334Mailing Address: PO Box 476, Fayetteville, TN 37334
Lincoln County Fair Contacts Find contact information for general fair questions as well as contacts for each event for the fair.
General Contacts Fair Information – during Fair Week LC Fair Office (931) 433-6387 Fair Information Dale Kent, President (931) 993-5885 Fair Information Marisa Thornton, Vice President (931)675-2727 Treasurer Deanna Long (931) 330-7415 Secretary Crystal Parker (931) 625-2745 Horse Barn Rental Johnny Farmer (931) 205-4200 Grounds Rental & Concessions Vendors Darrell Gray (931) 993-9477
Contacts for Fair Week Events Agricultural Building - Bruce Steelman- Amy Towry-Clevenger (931) 433-1582(931) 993-3552 4-H & FFA (All Departments) Dan Owen (931) 433-1582 Beauty Contests: - Fairest of Fair, Ruthie Jeans- Miss Teen, Julie Jean- Junior Miss, Julie Jean- Young Miss, Julie Jean- Little Miss, Julie Jean- Tiny Miss, Julie Jean (931) 993-8498(931) 993-8959(931) 993-8959(931) 993-8959(931) 993-8959(931) 993-8959 Commercial Exhibit Building Debby Terry-Keith (615) Creative Living Building Ruthie Jeans (931) 993-8498 Cornhole Tournament - Marisa Thornton 931-675-2727 Cruise-In - Brenda Burns- Joe Burns 931-993-8189931-993-8190 Demolition Derby - Chad Cowley- Ryan Locker (931) 703-6623(931) 638-6735 Power Wheels Demolition Derby - Steven Smith- Lori Smith (931) 212-4668(931) 675-8380 Harness Races Anna Catherine Osteen (256) 975-4937 Vendors/Concessions - Darrell Gray (931)993-9477 Quarter Horse, Mule & Pony Races - Leann English Keller (931) 993-7466 Non-Sanctioned Truck & Tractor Pull Daniel McGee (931) 580-9601 Livestock Barns - Beef, Dan Owen- Dairy, Patty Patrick- Dairy Goats, C.J. Fields- Meat Goats, Dan Owen- Myotonic Goat Registry, Katie Bevels- Poultry, Dan Owen- Sheep, Dan Owen- Swine, Ron King (931) 433-1582(931) 993-0540(865) 441-7311(931) 433-1582(931) 625-4807(931) 433-1582(931) 433-1582(256) 755-1943
Contact Us If you are unsure of the right contact person, please submit your inquiry using our online form below. Your Name Your Email Address Your Phone Number Your Message