Contact the Lincoln County Fair

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Lincoln County Fair Inc

Phone: 931-433-6387
Fax: 901-203-6097
Physical Address: 1003 Hedgemont Ave, Fayetteville, TN 37334
Mailing Address: PO Box 476, Fayetteville, TN 37334

Lincoln County Fair Contacts

Find contact information for general fair questions as well as contacts for each event for the fair.

General Contacts

Fair Information – during Fair Week
LC Fair Office
Fair Information
Dale Kent, President
Fair Information
Marisa Thornton, Vice President
Deanna Long
Crystal Parker
Horse Barn Rental
Johnny Farmer
Grounds Rental & Concessions Vendors
Darrell Gray

Contacts for Fair Week Events

Agricultural Building
- Bruce Steelman
- Amy Towry-Clevenger
4-H & FFA (All Departments)
Dan Owen
Beauty Contests:
- Fairest of Fair, Ruthie Jeans
- Miss Teen, Julie Jean
- Junior Miss, Julie Jean
- Young Miss, Julie Jean
- Little Miss, Julie Jean
- Tiny Miss, Julie Jean
Commercial Exhibit Building
Debby Terry-Keith
Creative Living Building
Ruthie Jeans
Cornhole Tournament
- Marisa Thornton
- Brenda Burns
- Joe Burns
Demolition Derby
- Chad Cowley
- Ryan Locker
Power Wheels Demolition Derby
- Steven Smith
- Lori Smith
Harness Races
Anna Catherine Osteen
- Darrell Gray
Quarter Horse, Mule & Pony Races
- Leann English Keller
Non-Sanctioned Truck & Tractor Pull
Daniel McGee
Livestock Barns
- Beef, Dan Owen
- Dairy, Patty Patrick
- Dairy Goats, C.J. Fields
- Meat Goats, Dan Owen
- Myotonic Goat Registry, Katie Bevels
- Poultry, Dan Owen
- Sheep, Dan Owen
- Swine, Ron King

Contact Us

If you are unsure of the right contact person, please submit your inquiry using our online form below.